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You can act now and contribute to the Climate Action platform in three ways:
Be part of a network of experts and activists, share knowledge and learn from others. Myanmar Climate Action Network (M-CAN) is a voluntary group, offering exceptional opportunities for dialogue on urgent climate action. It aims to create a network of promising climate ambassadors and professionals who are leading movements and initiatives to tackle one of the biggest challenges of our time — fighting climate change, while also collaborating to protect human rights and open societies, and ensure a sustainable future for the next generation. We achieve this by bringing together different stakeholders and creating opportunities for collective action.
COMPETITION: Nature-based Solutions as public goods to fight climate change
Calling for Partners that are engaged in local innovative solutions to addres climate change challenges and improve living conditions in Myanmar to participate in the Pledge your climate action campaign organized by UN-Habitat Myanmar and the European Union. The theme is Nature-based Solutions as public goods to fight climate change, We all have a responsibility to support local communities and the most vulnerable to adapt and protect from climate change risks.
We are looking for innovative local climate actions in Myanmar that can be inspiring success stories. Pledge to become our climate champion and win prizes! For more information and guidelines on the campaign, click here.
Share your content, tell us your climate action stories, send us your videos, images, reports, articles, toolkits, documents, or any materials you may wish to see disseminated.
We invite you to contribute to the repository of knowledge on resilience building, adaptation and mitigation, water safety and security, energy security, food security, public health and DRR, education, technology and innovation. We are particularly interested in green growth, EbA and nature-based solutions, and are also focusing on youth-led, gender-responsive climate action, indigenous and traditional knowledge.